воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

free Weather Clock Full 4.4 torrent download

Weather Clock Full


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We call it, Weather Clock! Basic weather information combined with analog clock. The concept of this widget is simple and minimalist. It is lightweight (both apk size and data traffic), efficient and effective widget, functional yet attractive widget.

Thanks to you to be here. (*.*) I appreciate your decision to treat me a cup of JAVA coffee (Full Version) to support the development :)

On full version, you can have more Weather Icon sets! Make your clock widget even cooler!


1. Show/Hide Digital Clock and Date

2. Show/Hide Analog Clock

3. Show Device Time or even Show any selected City time based on Timezone

4. More detailed weather information when tapped

5. Support both Metric (Celcius) and Imperial (Fahrenheit) measurement unit

6. Auto Refresh

7. 5 Day Forecast Weather Data

NB :

1. This is a widget not an application. Installation does not give you application. Instead, go to Home Screen and long press to add a Widget.

2. Tap on a widget to enter menu setting

3. In case of Force Close, try to remove then add the widget back to home screen or reboot your device.

4. Avoid any task killer that may stop this widget.

5. The weather information is powered by Yahoo Weather.

6. The weather theme is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Q : Why we must pay for this widget? Yahoo Weather data is free right? And the icons weather used in this widget are free too.

A : Yes Yahoo Weather Data is free, thanks to Yahoo. The weather icon set is also free.

A : You pay for appreciation for my design and work. That's why the price for this widget is so reasonable. you don't pay for the weather data and the icon sets.

Weather Themes:

1. Bubble Weather by Enthropia Labs Graphics

2. Meteocons by Alessio Atzeni

3. Umutavci by Umutavci

4. Sticker Weather by KorToIk

5. Spil Icon Set by Spil


Tag : weather, clock, widget, analog, home

Download .apk

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