суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

download German Football 3D Wallpaper apk free

German Football 3D Wallpaper


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"German Football 3D Wallpaper" is a live wallpaper for German National Football Team fans. You can turn the cube with your fingers. Please set the wallpaper in "Wallpaper --> Live Wallpaper"

In the center of the screen there is a 3D cube which carries photos of the team's famous players. There are also two different backgrounds for selection.

The cube has three rotation modes:

1. default is rotate automatically

2. rotate freely with the user's finger

3. fix the cube at a certain angle

You can set these options in "Settings" of the wallpaper.

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TV rose by 38 download German Football 3D Wallpaper apk .1 % to $ 233 Mio.000 in politically related advertising and driven approximately $ 37 million in advertising expenses in connection with the Olympic Games. Retransmission revenue increased 11.5 % to $ 22.

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