воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

free We Create Reality Vision Board torrent download

We Create Reality Vision Board

Media & Video

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To focus your mind and manifest your desires, use the Create Reality App. This playful app takes the feelings of fulfillment your successes bring you and places them into a scrolling Vision Board. Choose images, sounds, and text that inspire you! Then, when waiting in line or passing the time, open the Create Reality App and evoke happy feelings and thoughts as your Vision Board plays for you. Have fun with it!

The We Create Reality Vision Board App allows you to create a Vision Board consisting of a collection of inspiring quotes, sound clips, images, and icons. You can either use the library of icons, images, sound clips, and quotes that we have collected for you; or you can select from the images which you already have on your Android device. You can enter your own inspiring text and decorate it with icons from our library.

To get started, tap the main screen to enter the vision board editor. Click Add New Vision to create an empty vision and tap the vision to enter the vision editor.

View our We Create Reality Vision Board Android App Video tutorial for more information, or read the tutorial in the app -- select Help in the main Menu.

Key Features:

•Create vision page from our online library of full screen images.

•Select from our online library of hi-res HD images.

•Create vision page from our online library of quotes

•Create vision page from your own text

•Create vision page from images that you have on your Android

•Add up to four small icons to your vision page for each text or quote

•Add a short sound clip from our online library to your vision page

•Adjust the amount of time which each vision page displays from 15 seconds to 60 seconds.

•Load a sample vision board which we have created for you.

•Select from 4 different fonts for your vision page

•Select from 3 different font sizes for your vision page

•Create your own font colors for your vision pages

•Create your own background colors for your vision pages.

•Layer your text or quote on top of your selected image.

•Select how you want images to be fitted to the screen -- either stretched to fit, or cropped to fill the screen, or expanded so the entire image fits and is not distorted.

•Landscape and portrait mode is supported.

•Delete vision pages, add new vision pages to your vision board.

•Preview vision pages.

•Save your vision board to your Android.

•An extensive tutorial is included in the app and a link to the YouTube demo.


Download .apk

Sam Worthington confirms his participation in ' Dan Dare ' MovieEarlier this month we have on a casting rumor that Aussie actor Sam Worthington will play Dan Dare reports: Pilot of the Future in an upcoming adaptation of the comic book sci-fi British series over the chief pilot of the Interplanetary Space Fleet download We Create Reality Vision Board 1.1.0 for free . I do not think the message was wrong, but it 's always good to get firm confirmation from the person concerned. MTV recently spoke with Worthington, who confirmed that he is involved with and another and another comic book movie called The Last Days of American Crime . Best of all, he seems damn excited about taking Dan Dare.

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