понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

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For many yearsStanton 's Pixar returning for a 'Finding Nemo' Sequelis coming to theaters this September Pixar Finding Nemo in Disney Digital 3D-rendered, and it looks like a wonderful experience to be. Thus, on the horizon, we have other big news of Disney / Pixar this morning. Word Deadline is that a long-awaited sequel to Finding Nemo is now being developed at Pixar, and that Andrew Stanton, who directed the original Finding Nemo and Wall-E is returning to direct it before he goes to another Live - action project download NewsRu.Com Новости России Pro 1.3 apk . Not many details also known, but they assure us, 'the studio working on it. 'It looks like we have a Finding Nemo sequel after all be seen.

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