Anteid Donate Caller ID
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Displays the name and address of a caller who is not present in the contacts (reverse lookup).
Works for phone numbers from:
- Australia
- Austria
- Canada (beta)
- Czechia
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Liechtenstein
- Poland (yello pages only)
- Slovakia
- Switzerland
- USA (beta)
Did Anteid not recognize a phone number, which you found in a public directory? Then please contact us by e-mail and we will try to link the directory as quickly as possible. Thank you!
Other functions:
- Talking caller ID
- Apply in Contacts (existing or new)
- Display on Google Maps
- Call
- Mark as unwanted contact
- Large size display mode
What does Anteid use the permission for: check it out by clicking on "Calling Developers website" at the bottom.
Important Note to the Donate version:
You can test all functions fully (albeit with ads) in the Anteid free version.
Download .apk
In post productionMAX Featurette VideoThanks for the initial deployment of video-IMAX download Anteid Donate Caller ID 2.0.54 for free . The Dark Knight is still eight months from the arrival in theaters, but it gets better and better with every new featurette or viral marketing game. Rumors around the internet say that a 5-to-7 minute short film will show before I Am Legend in IMAX, but they are not confirmed. For now, enjoy this teaser video.
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