суббота, 28 июня 2014 г.

download 5K101 Running Mate Couch to 5K 1.2 for free

5K101 Running Mate Couch to 5K

Health & Fitness

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Welcome Beginning Runners!

For those beginners following the Running Mate 5K101 Couch to 5K program, and wishing to listen to your own music, this is the app for you! This is the ONLY app on the market personally coached by Todd Lange & specifically follows the 5K101 beginning runner's training schedule.

5k101 will guide you step by step through an easy to follow progression of run/walk intervals which are specifically designed to get you running for 30 full minutes in just 8 weeks, injury free!

It doesn't matter what shape you're in when you start, so long as you stick with it. Todd Lange and the rest of the Running Mate community will be right with you the whole way to cheer you on to the finish line.

5K101 is not just an APP! Running Mate is a community of thousands of other beginning runners just like you who understand the challenges of getting off the couch and committing to a new fitness program. We are always available to support you 24/7 via the http://5k101.com website and our Facebook Fan Page @ http://ift.tt/1d2cZbY.


* Includes 8 weeks of running workouts specifically designed to help you build endurance properly and injury free.

* Allows you to select and run to your own musical playlist.

* Allows you to set and play a POWER SONG when you need a little boost of adrenaline.

* Includes live, personal coaching from Todd Lange, indicating when to run and when to walk, and it gives the user the ability to turn these notifications on or off as needed.

* Connects the beginning runner to our social media support group via Twitter & Facebook.

* Works seamlessly with other apps like Pandora, iHeartRadio, RunKeeper, & Nike for those runners who want to measure their pace & distance.

Questions? Email todd@runningmatemedia.com, join our Facebook community @ http://ift.tt/1d2cZbY or follow Coach Todd Lange on Twitter @toddlange.


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